In less than 24 hours I’ll be heading back to that other place I call home and a long and eagerly awaited reunion with my wife, and in steps and stages the rest of our family starting with Darling Daughter 1 and culminating in a September wedding for Darling Daughter 2 and, thank you vaccines, a full on family celebration.
I understand your point of view completely as you well know being a friend of my brother. Until this Trump BS clown show my bro was one of my heroes and someone I always looked up to. He and so many others like my bro can hide behind tax cuts, derugulation and packing the courts at all cost to overturn RoeVWade and eliminate the ACA but at what cost to our children and grandkids. Lies, bullying, belittling and winning at all cost becomes the norm? Hate, racism and comicity by POTUS for domestic terrorists geoups is acceptable behavior People? To People of color and immigrants are somehow less human than we are? Non Christians or people with different sexual orientations should be treated with disdain? My tolerance and hope needs much work & rebuilding and I am certainly not where you are yet. I like you removed myself from F/B a month ago and have virtually eliminated my intake of cable news. I have not and will never vote for a political party that looks more and more like a nepotistic authoritative regime just because I am a so called member of that party. I believe in leadership by example based on integrity compromise compassion and inclusiveness. People who vote for Trump now and for sometime in the futurr will be dead to me as I humbly believe they have sold their souls to a sub human carnival barker who cares only for himself. Vote
I hear you loud and clear Danny and while I share most if not all of what you feel, I am holding on to the hope that there is something deeper in some if not all of our personal relationships that can serve as a beginning to healing what is now so broken. I will try to find a path with those willing to take the same journey from their own start point and for those who have no interest and are committed to their agenda without compromise...well too bad...for them.
I understand your point of view completely as you well know being a friend of my brother. Until this Trump BS clown show my bro was one of my heroes and someone I always looked up to. He and so many others like my bro can hide behind tax cuts, derugulation and packing the courts at all cost to overturn RoeVWade and eliminate the ACA but at what cost to our children and grandkids. Lies, bullying, belittling and winning at all cost becomes the norm? Hate, racism and comicity by POTUS for domestic terrorists geoups is acceptable behavior People? To People of color and immigrants are somehow less human than we are? Non Christians or people with different sexual orientations should be treated with disdain? My tolerance and hope needs much work & rebuilding and I am certainly not where you are yet. I like you removed myself from F/B a month ago and have virtually eliminated my intake of cable news. I have not and will never vote for a political party that looks more and more like a nepotistic authoritative regime just because I am a so called member of that party. I believe in leadership by example based on integrity compromise compassion and inclusiveness. People who vote for Trump now and for sometime in the futurr will be dead to me as I humbly believe they have sold their souls to a sub human carnival barker who cares only for himself. Vote
I hear you loud and clear Danny and while I share most if not all of what you feel, I am holding on to the hope that there is something deeper in some if not all of our personal relationships that can serve as a beginning to healing what is now so broken. I will try to find a path with those willing to take the same journey from their own start point and for those who have no interest and are committed to their agenda without compromise...well too bad...for them.