
Very kind Gay thanks

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Thanks Jeff great to hear from you and as I said in the piece I feel very lucky to have the life I do and wouldn’t change a thing.

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Incredible story from a brilliant and honorable man . Proud to call you my friend

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Great article, Peter. I remember Muddling Through from the first time I was at Sony, and I remember thinking the show was OK. More importantly, being in my mid 20s at the time, I remember walking around the lot and seeing Jennifer Aniston there at the old cafeteria, just a not-yet-famous actress working on a show. Cut to 2019, walking around the Sony lot, my second run at Sony, there's Jennifer Aniston again - filming Morning Show (not a Sony show, but that season being filmed on the Sony lot). This time surrounded by people, but still out in the open. And it reminded me of the title of your next post - the more things change, the more they stay the same. Hollywood's still a small town in so many ways. Separately, without knowing it, you ultimately made the right decision for the world, if not necessarily for CBS at the time or for you. Then again, would you rather be you right now, or Les Moonves?

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